Category Archives: Tips

January 18, 2009
How to Go Back to MySpace Profile 1.0 (Undo Profile 2.0)

If you are unhappy with MySpace Profile 2.0, you can always switch back to MySpace Profile 1.0

Click Customize Profile in Profile tab on top.

Click Go Back to Profile 1.0 on the very top.

Click Switch to Profile 1.0 button.

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January 18, 2009
How to Upgrade to MySpace Profile 2.0

On Tuesday, November 11, MySpace launched MySpace Profile 2.0, a new profile version.
Here are the steps to upgrade to 2.0:
(If you still prefer to use 1.0 version, you can always go back. )
P.S. No, MySpace are not forcing people to switch to this profile, and don’t intend to. I know some people are happy with [...]

June 26, 2008
Social Networks are not only beneficial, they

CBS news reports that more and more students find they may be addicted to social networking sites like MySpace and Facebook. With a member

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June 26, 2008
Ways parents can protect kids in MySpace

While MySpace can have a seriously empowering impact on our kids, there

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June 16, 2008
How Private are Private MySpace Profiles?

By clicking “Account Settings,” selecting the “Privacy” tab and selecting Profile Viewable By: “My Friends Only,” you can easily make your MySpace profile exclusive to friends only. This proves qiute effective in stopping the casual MySpace user from viewing your profile.
But ever since the advent of this feature, hackers have been finding workarounds and loopholes [...]

June 13, 2008
“Code Blue”: Coors Light and Other Advertisers Aggressively Marketing Towards Social Media

Logging on to MySpace and finding a friend request from McDonalds or Coors Light has many MySpacers feeling ambivalent about the growing presence of advertisers on MySpace. On the one hand, product enthusiasts finally have an outlet for their endorsements (see: Coors Light themed MySpace layouts) but on the other hand, most of us signed [...]

June 11, 2008
5 Surefire Ways to Jeopardize Your Career on MySpace

Career-savvy counselors advise against posting anything ribald or questionable on your MySpace profile for one good reason: anyone can stumble across it. The next person to load your profile and see that drunken party picture or risque bathroom mirror pic could be your grandma, a student, a teacher or even a potential employer. While it [...]

June 9, 2008
Decision ‘08: Show Your Support on Your MySpace layouts

With the upcoming presidential election, the media is abuzz about the candidates. In spite of this, voter turnout in the United States has historically hovered at just above half. As an individual, it may seem as if there is a little you can do to extend your influence beyond your single vote. Luckily, MySpace provides [...]

June 8, 2008
How To: Download MP3s and Videos from MySpace

MySpace is an excellent platform for sharing songs from unsigned and independent bands and user-created videos. But occasionally, you’ll want to listen to a song or watch your favorite MySpace video without being connected to the Internet. Unless the artist has enabled downloadable MP3s, this can be somewhat of a challenge. Luckily, there [...]

June 7, 2008
How to Avoid Lawsuits from MySpace– also posted in News

As MySpace gains national notoriety and media recognition, the social network has become less and less a lighthearted “anything goes” playground and more a liability demanding careful discretion. Don’t believe you can get sued for your MySpace activity? Recent national news begs to differ:

Teen hackers were arrested in New York for attempting to steal personal [...]